Wirtten by : Hoya / eric
Global Explorers of Medical Science members visited Boston University dental school on September 23, 2023. Total 6 members participated in a college tour with one of the dental students who attends Boston University. During the tour members could tour the whole campus and the classrooms.
The main objective of the visit was to explore more about the field of dentistry by asking questions that members were curious about or interested in. This field experience was meaningful to each member as they could ask simple questions as well as delve into deeper questions that had been on their minds but for which they had no avenue to ask. Members had the opportunity to explore the tools dental students use in labs, understand the purposes of each tool, and gain information into the curriculum of dental education at the university.
Field observation (Q&A)
Members had a variety of questions from each one of them.
Q : What’s the most challenging surgery that dentists usually consider ?
Nerve surgery is often considered the most challenging. It demands precise work and requires dentists to put a significant amount of time into procedures.
Q: What’s the difference between implants and dentures?
Implant surgeries are classified as surgical procedures, involving direct placement into the gum. On the other hand, dentures are not a surgical procedure and carry no associated risks. People can use dentures by putting them on and taking them off whenever they want, akin to the concept of contact lenses.
Q: What are the challenging cases when conducting labs?
challenging cases in labs may involve scenarios such as bleeding, underlying medical conditions, ro situations where achieving hemostasis is difficult.
Q : How can students become dentists?
The requirement to become dentists is to take the DAT (dental admission test).
Q : What are the requirements for applying to dental schools?
The needs include biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, math ,reading, pat (Perceptual Ability Test).
Q : Who should consider attending dentistry school?
Dental school may be appealing to students who enjoy origami or lego, as the field requires dedication and skill with hands.
Q : What do students need to consider before coming to dentistry school?
Students need to consider high costs, extensive studying, and frequent late night study.
Q : Is tooth shape influenced by genetic factors?
Genetics plays a significant role in tooth development , impacting one’s tooth shape.
Q : What is the worst food for teeth?
soda is the worst for teeth as it contains acid, and when acid touches the tooth, it causes decay.
Q : Any tips?
It is advisable not to engage in activities that might lead to difference of opinion.
Example 1: avoid wearing perfume, as some patients may be very sensitive to strong smells. It also might remind patients of their traumatic experiences.
Example 2 : avoid wearing high heels, as the sound may make some patients uncomfortable.
Special thanks to Issac Lee, a dental student from Boston University, who provided valuable insights to GEMS members !